Del Re Data & Stats Consulting

Got data but struggling to make sense of it? I can help!I'm a PhD-level data scientist and statistical consultant with 13+ years of experience turning complex data into clear, actionable insights. Whether you have a small dataset or millions of data points, I can assist you at any stage of your project.My Services Include:

  • developing your analytic plan

  • extracting & generating data

  • data management

  • data wrangling

  • data & statistical analysis (basic to advanced statistical methods)

  • visual/graphical display

  • automated data reports (Developing dynamic and informative reports using R Markdown and Quarto, integrating code, results, and visualizations for easy updates and sharing)

  • technical writing (grants, white papers, 65+ peer-reviewed publications)

  • R package and R Shiny App development

  • proficient in R programming and SAS

I'm also a Top Rated freelancer on Upwork with a 100% success rate! Clients consistently praise my expertise, reliability, and communication skills. View my profile and reviews hereReady to unlock the power of your data?Contact me for a FREE consultation: [email protected]Let's collaborate to bring clarity and insight to your data!See academic publication record (65+ pubs; >10,000 citations; i10 index > 46) on google scholar and CV by clicking icons below:

What I Do

My name is AC Del Re, and I'm a PhD-level research psychologist and an experienced statistical and data analytic consultant with 12+ years of experience. I'm passionate about helping clients unlock the power of their data and translate complex findings into clear, actionable insights.My services include:

  • Developing Your Analytic Plan: I'll help you design a robust and effective statistical approach tailored to your research questions.

  • Extracting and Generating Data: I can assist with data collection, extraction from various sources, and generating simulated data for your analyses.

  • Statistical Programming: I'm proficient in R, SAS, and Python, and can write efficient and reliable code for your data analysis needs.

  • Data Wrangling: I'll clean, transform, and prepare your data for analysis, ensuring accuracy and consistency.

  • Data & Statistical Analysis: I'm skilled in a wide range of statistical methods, from basic descriptive statistics to advanced modeling techniques.

  • Automated Data Reports: I can create dynamic and informative reports using R Markdown and Quarto, integrating your code, results, and visualizations for easy updates and sharing.

  • Academic Publication Support: With over 65 publications and 10,000 citations, I have a strong track record of producing high-quality, publishable research. I can help you with all aspects of the publication process, from data analysis to manuscript preparation.

  • Data Visualization: I'll create compelling and insightful visualizations to communicate your data effectively, using tools like ggplot2 (R) and Tableau.

My Expertise Spans a Variety of Statistical Methods, Including: Meta-analysis (random effects, multi-level, network, and longitudinal meta-analysis), regression (linear, logistic, negative binominal, Poisson), correlation, propensity score matching, simulation studies, power analyses, machine learning, confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis, hierarchical linear modeling (HML), longitudinal HLM analysis, path analysis, scale development, reliability and validity assessment, analysis of variance.

About Me:

I'm AC Del Re, a highly experienced data scientist and statistical consultant with over 13 years of experience helping clients unlock the power of their data. My expertise lies in health-related research, advanced statistical methods, and a passion for clear, concise communication.I'm proficient in a range of statistical software, including R (my specialty!), SAS, and Python. I've even developed several R packages like, MAd, Rcmdr.Plugin.MA, MAc to help researchers utilize robust meta-analytic methods and create insightful visualizations.My background combines academic rigor with real-world consulting experience:* PhD in Counseling Psychology: University of Wisconsin-Madison
* Postdoctoral Fellowship in Health Services Research: Stanford University
* 13+ Years of Statistical Consulting: Helping clients from diverse fields turn data into actionable insights.
My commitment to excellence is reflected in my strong publication record, with over 65 peer-reviewed publications and over 10,000 citations (click here to view pubs).I've also built a successful freelance career on Upwork, where I am a Top Rated freelancer with a 100% success rate. Clients consistently praise my expertise, reliability, and communication skills. Here's what some of them have said:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Aaron is the best statistician I ever collaborated with in my 20-year research career" -Grace W. | PhD & Assistant Professor⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Aaron is one of the most skillful statistical consultants that I know and has consulted with our labs for several years" -Christoph F. | PhD & Full ProfessorI'm dedicated to delivering high-quality work, meeting deadlines, and exceeding client expectations.Let's collaborate to bring clarity and insight to your data. Contact me to discuss your project!

Job/Consulting Experience

Employment Experience

  • Data & Statistical Consultant, Self-Employed, San Diego, CA. (2009-Present)

  • Statistician, University of Kassel (Remote) San Diego, CA. (2023-Present)

  • Research Psychologist/Statistician, University of Zurich, (Remote) San Diego, CA. (2020-2023)

  • Research Psychologist, Naval Health Research Center, San Diego, CA. (2018-2020)

  • Health Services Program Analyst, Dept of Veterans Affairs, Palo Alto, CA. (2013-2017)

  • Health Services Research Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Health Care Evaluation, Dept of Veterans Affairs and School of Medicine, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA. (2011-2013)

(Recent) Statistical Consulting Experience

  • TOP-RATED Upwork Freelancer. (2022-Current). Statistical consultant on several diverse projects, from automated data reports to affordable housing to healthcare.

  • Carepaths, Affordable Behavioral Health EHR & Practice Management System. (2021-Current). Assisted in design, data cleaning and analysis for graphical display of patient mental health status over time.

  • Progenity Biotechnology Company. (2021). Consulted on statistical design and overlooked analysis for a mixed-effects analysis of multi-site biotech data.

  • MyOutcomes App. (2021-Current) Assisted in design, data cleaning and analysis for proprietary algorithm to predicted psychotherapy treatment outcomes.

  • Healify Mood App. (2021-2022). Consulted on optimal research/stats design and visual display of online mood data


Select Upwork Clients:
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Aaron is the best statistician I ever collaborated with in my 20-year research career" -Grace W. | PhD & Assistant Professor
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Aaron is one of the most skillful statistical consultants that I know and has consulted with our labs for several years" -Christoph F. | PhD & Full Professor⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Aaron went above and beyond to help me achieve my statistical goals and prepare for my presentation. None of my progress would be possible without his help and I am so grateful for his assistance and expertise" -Roxanne | PhD studentOther Select Clients:
"I have been working regularly with Aaron (or AC) for the past 12+ years on various project requiring advanced statistical methods and sophisticated data presentations AC’s work has been precise, careful, and thorough and has been submitted in a timely and efficient manner. He understands the technical requirement of the projects as well as the needs of the clients, creating solutions that are valued by the various teams with whom we work. On multiple occasions, AC was able to identify patterns and trends in data that I or my team had not noticed and this has been incredibly helpful for our research. Publications, and the organization with whom we consult. In addition, he has always been very responsive and accommodating to my requests and the needs of our clients. "
Bruce Wamplod | PhD----"Aaron (AC) is one of the most skillful statistical consultants that I know and he has helped and consulted with our labs for several years. He is consumer-oriented, excellent, precise, and efficient in both data and statistical analysis (e.g., assisting in choice of stats methods, data processing, stats analysis, and writeup), and is able to explain complex statistics in a comprehensive way and ... makes stats fun!
AC is also a fantastic R programmer who is very focused and precise. For most people, such things are probably just boring. But he, he is a master in R-meditation!"
Dr. Christoph Flückiger | PhD, professor (full), licensed psychotherapist and supervisor, University of Kassel, Department of Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Co-Editor-In-Chief of Psychotherapy Research (IF: 4.12)----"I was able to work with AC Del Re and Bruce Wampold PhD to help mental health professionals and therapy clients visualize the progress of therapy in real time. The result is on track to make an impact in the lives of millions in therapy."Barrett G. | CEO / CTO----"I've worked with Dr. Del Re on a number of projects -- most recently, analyzing data and developing a sophisticated set of predictive algorithms. He is the absolute best at his craft!"Scott Miller | PhD----"Aaron demonstrated significant skill in data analysis and application of statistical tools in assessing our program's clinical impact. By processing complex datasets related to anxiety and depression, he provided us with comprehensive insights that enhanced our understanding of treatment efficacy. Aaron is also really fun to work with! I highly recommend him and we are really looking forward to working with him again soon."Makan A.

Work Samples

Publication Graphics (Samples)

Automated Data Reports & (Peer-Reviewed) Publications

R Code (Sample)Download R files (links here: data & models) that accompany:Del Re, A. C. (2015). A Practical Tutorial on Conducting Meta-Analysis in R. The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 11 (1), 37-50.

R Package Development


For more information or a FREE consultation, please contact me at:[email protected]OR see my (Top-Rated) Upwork Profile: HERE